You can’t control the futureBut you can be ready for it

If Covid knocked the stuffing out of your plans, you’re not aloneTaking control of your cash flow lets you face the future with confidence

There are some things you just can't anticipate!

You couldn't factor Covid into the business plan until it struck, ripping up expectations and wrecking bank balances.
Even then, the unexpected doesn’t come with a roadmap and timescales.
Travel bans, lockdowns, loans or the lack of them, have destroyed many a thriving business. Taking years of sacrifice and hard work with it. 

Taking control in an uncertain future

Unforeseen setbacks can transform the future you'd planned.  It’s the uncertainty that causes the damage. When you can't see the road ahead, how can you make the right decisions for a better tomorrow?
That uncertainty, the not-knowing, strips your confidence and energy.

Welcome from Micheál

Thank you for visiting the website

It's been a difficult couple of years that's seen cash flow pressures like never before.

To find out how I can help you click here

Whatever the future holds, know where you stand

But that doesn’t mean you are powerless, a victim of circumstances! 
You can get that clarity and confidence back by taking control.
It starts by understanding the true state of your business' finances. So you're not making financial decisions based on your bank balance, but the impact they'll have in 3-months, 6-months even 12-months down the line.
See how the Positive P.L.U.S. + Cash flow model helps:

Take Control with Positive P.L.U.S. + cash flow

The structure below has evolved over 25-years of helping business owners take control of their cash flow and sleep soundly at night:



Clarify your current cash flow Position by quantifying any money due in and any money due out.
This quantified, cash flow position is our starting point.



Link your personal and business goals, (I’ll help you to identify them) to map out how your business needs to perform to deliver them for you.
Set out the roadmap and key milestones on the way to your personal and business goals.



Review and Understand, through regular meetings what’s working and what isn’t.
Course correct to keep you on track.


Scenario Planning

Map out your business' future financial results based on the best, worst and most likely Scenarios
Review how each possibility impacts your personal finances and goals. 

Plan for the worst, build for the best

We might not be able to see into the future, but we can be ready for whatever it brings.  That's why we'll always look ahead based on 3 scenarios: the best case, worst case and the expected.
That way we can plan for the worst and do everything in our power to create the best.
But that's not all, together we'll systemise your financial management. So you'll always know how much is on the way in and out, of your bank account and when.   

Free, Control your Cash Flow Session

Take the first step to taking back control of your finances
Your free 30-minute, one-to-one, online cash flow review and action plan session
So click the link below now to put a time in your diary